
Padel Molins


Padel Molins Manza


Good padel court maintenance not only involves checking the condition of the grass, the level of the sand, the quality of the structure, etc. It’s also very important to pay special attention to the glass panels, the structural joins, plugs and screws, because if any of them are in poor condition this can cause the glass to break.

You should bear in mind that there are many reasons why a padel court glass wall can break, in fact we’ve written an article on this very topic entitled Why do padel court glass panels break? Spend 5 minutes reading it to find out more.

That’s why at Manzasport we offer our comprehensive maintenance service, but if a glass panel on your padel court has already broken, call us anyway because we provide a glass replacement service in less than 24 hours.

That’s what happened at the “Padel Molins” padel club in Molins de Rei, a glass on their padel court broke, they called us to replace it and in less than 24 hours their padel court was already in perfect condition for play.

So if one of the glass walls on your padel court breaks, the first thing you should do is call your insurance company and then call us to give you a no-obligation price.

You can contact us by email at info@manzasport.com or by phone on 961139539 or 646606203.

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